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The Foxes

A Spring of Foxes | Their Presence a Wonderment

We hear them at night and see them running through our forest. In the early morning hours, we spot them quietly moving through our yard. As Hulda gets ready to have a family of her own,  I never tire of seeing, observing, or interacting with them. Their presence here is a wonderment. ~Valarie Budayr Experience

A Spring of Foxes | Their Presence a Wonderment Read More »

Extra! Extra! Read All About It! The Fox Diaries Has Gone Digital!!

We are soooooo excited and this is a proud achievement for Audrey Press. Our beloved foxes are now available on digital! By Valarie Budayr This book is available for download in your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iBook and your computer with iTunes. Books must be read on a iOS device. Description: From the

Extra! Extra! Read All About It! The Fox Diaries Has Gone Digital!! Read More »

Foxes In Winter

This winter brings us new visits from our foxes. One of our first babies, Hulda is now a  2 yr old vixen ready to have a family of her own.  We hear them at night and see them running through our forest. The early morning hours sees them quietly moving through our yard. As Hulda

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