
Never Miss a Beat

Free eBook Friday! The Clever Detective

\Product Details

  • File Size: 153 KB
  • Print Length: 23 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B004ZM8O3O
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled \
  • Lending: Enable
  • Click HERE to download


After six years as a private investigator, Stacey Alexander has the strangest day of her life when she falls down a hollow tree and meets her new client, a nutty old dude with a crown who thinks he\’s a king.  She\’d climb right out of there, except that the crazy dude wants her to find his missing son, the Prince. And that is one hot-looking male. She\’d be crazy herself not to take this case.

Author Bio:

Writer of romantic mystery-suspense, romantic fantasy, and romance – with a dash of sass. I am also a member of Romance Writers of America and my books have placed in several RWA-sponsored contests.

I\’d like to say growing up on the tough streets of Chicago inspired my feisty heroines, but actually I was raised in a cozy little suburb, by parents who sheltered me. Guess it was other things along the way that gave me my attitude. You know – relationships, jobs, lack of funds, life in general.

I hope my offbeat take on life makes for entertaining reading for you. Enjoy!


Ms. Lanier has a fun, flirty voice that had me thinking of the old black and white detective movies where the detective\’s voice gives the audience a play by play of the story. The author combined this technique with the fairy tale world to create a fun and unique short story that left me smiling all the way through.

If you\’re looking for a temporary getaway that\’s light and easy to read or one that leaves you with a good feeling about the world we live in, The Clever Detective will take you to that place. Kudos to the author.