
Never Miss a Beat

When its Time to Rest

Your life is in a constant state of hecticness.



Your To-Do List has gotten so big it needs its own zip code.



Instead of looking forward to vacation days, you dread them because you know it just means work, tasks, and obligations will pile up.


If this sounds familiar, you are not alone.


A 2018 Pew Research survey revealed that six in 10 adults in the U.S. feel too busy to enjoy life. That number has held: In 2023, 60% of some 2,000 Americans believed there were not enough hours in the day to complete their to-do list.


Why is this happening? Some experts believe that “busy” is the new status symbol, while others believe that some people stay busy as a way to avoid or numb painful feelings and situations.


Consider this article an opportunity to  Stop, slow down, and process. 


Let’s all set aside intentional movement and busyness for deliberate inactivity. Take a leisurely stroll around the block or sit outside and watch clouds for a bit. Human Beings need time and head space to notice, observe, and appreciate the simplicity that is all around us.


Here are some other ideas and methods to help you press pause on the hustle and grind and just “be” for awhile.





Take time for a Lie-Down:

Naps are a beautiful thing, and the old-school phrase “going for a lie-down” involves just that: a mini nap that doesn’t require a bed or a change of clothes. If your body is begging for sleep, listen to it. A twenty-minute nap can be refreshing and be exactly what you need when the world feels like “too much” to handle.



Take a Lesson from Other Cultures and Traditions:


The Scandinavian culture believes that the winter months are perfect for practicing hygiene. Hygge, pronounced (Hue-gah), is a Danish word originally derived from an Old Norwegian word meaning well-being and protection from the outside elements. It is a conscious effort to feeling of coziness, comfort, and familiarity with things like warm blankets, hot drinks, candles, books, and fuzzy slippers.



Originally known as shinrin-yoku, which translates to “taking in the forest atmosphere,” forest bathing began in Japan in the 1980s. Forest bathing has nothing to do with water but everything to do with exposing oneself to the healing peace and tranquility of nature.


The act of stepping away from the hustle and bustle of life with a trip to the forest has been linked to health benefits ranging from reduced blood pressure and stress levels to boosted immunity.


The 19th-century Scottish term “hurkle-durkle” has risen in popularity in the last few years as well. Hurkle Durkle is slang for lingering in bed when one should be up and about. Hurkle Durkling is a great weekend vibe when your work week has depleted your energy.



Note: Don’t confuse decompression time with actual depression. If you feel it getting exceedingly harder to get out of bed, it might be time to seek professional health. Our mental health is priceless, so don’t ever feel too embarrassed to speak up and ask for the help you need.


Trust The Bounce


During the crap-storm known as the Pandemic of 2020, I read an amazing analogy from a fellow business owner. This savvy mom encouraged all exhausted parents to view the hypothetical balls they were frantically juggling with a new lens.


During this trying time, the “balls” included distance learning, trying to keep everyone healthy, and navigating limited recreation during lockdown.


She shared that some Balls are Glass (connection with our children or the ability to make a living to support our family) while others are Plastic (the unanswered emails or the pressure to send greeting cards).


She advised everyone to acknowledge that it is okay to drop some Plastic Balls in order to focus on the Glass Balls. The fragility of those balls matters, and the Plastic ones will bounce.


Focus on the loving care that our Glass Balls need and drop some of the Plastic Ones that don’t need immediate attention, time, or energy.


Trust the bounce.


One More Thing

Making reading an adventure is a great way to help them increase their desire to learn and keep them interested as well. Setting aside time as a family and selecting a summer reading list is a great way to not only make the idea of reading more exciting but also to involve kids in voicing their thoughts and options on what it is that they would like to read.

Spring fun for reluctant readers



Audrey Press has added a whole new level of “learning is FUN” layer to reading with our new kidlit book-inspired activity ebook!


The ABC’s of BookJumping: The Best of Jump Into a Book by Valarie Budayr and Rebecca Flansburg allows frustrated parents of reluctant readers to enjoy hand-picked book reviews and unique companion activities that will reignite your child’s love of reading and encourage screen-free family time.


What if you could “live” inside the pages of the children’s books your family reads? What if you could enjoy the same adventures as the characters? Bookjumping is taking the solitary act of reading a book and transforming it into an event that can be shared with others. It’s the process of pulling books off shelves and stories off pages. It’s making kids’ books come ALIVE by “jumping” inside the pages. Readers of this ebook will enjoy hand-picked book reviews and unique companion activities that will reignite your child’s love of reading and encourage screen-free family time.


“This fun picture-book-based e-book contains over 150 hand-picked book reviews, unique book-inspired activities, and recipes. Just in time for #summer reading!” Amazon reviewer


We purposely made this book an ebook for the “portability factor” and affordable to fit every budget and family need.


Go here for more details on what you can expect from with awesome ebook and learn more about the authors.


Grab your copy of The ABCs of BookJumping: The Best of Jump Into a Book on Kindle HERE.

Happy Reading!

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