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Summer Reading Tree: Forming “Roots” for Motivated Readers

There is never a shortage of Summer Reading programs for kids once school ends and many offer prizes, points, graphs, and charts as a way to keep your child reading during the summer months.
This is not a bad thing at all. But as a lifelong learner, educator, and mom I can tell you that many kids will do better with reading if they don’t feel it’s “mandatory.” Sometimes when things feel a little too much like \”homework\” during the summer break. And if this is the case in your home, you may be experiencing some pushback!
With that in mind, we\’d like to offer this Pro Tip on the best way to motivate your reader this summer: Give them books that they will find interesting!
Do they admire young conservationists like Greta Thunberg?
Then provide them with great books that will pique their interest like the books on our list of 11 Green and Environmental Books for Young Conservationists.

Is learning about new cultures intriguing?

We are a family of happy travelers, in fact, we call ourselves “The Traveling Tribe.” It should be the name of our family memoir.:)

In our house, when we aren’t traveling physically, we are “armchair traveling” via the pages of books. It’s educational, fun, and a great way to learn new things about our world as a family. One way I’ve taught my children about the 7 continents is to use books from a specific continent and incorporate that into storytime or family reading time. That is what inspired me to pull together this list of Africa Folktales books for kids.

Read Around The World Africa Booklist \

Got a gamer in your house?
Then they will likely jump at the change to check out these Teaching, Problem Solving, & More: 10 Minecraft Books for Kids!
Minecraft Books for Kids\
If you have a more mature reader under your roof that prefers books that have suspense and action, consider these Edgy Dragon-themed Books for Middle-Grade Readers.
Love books that inspire outside creativity?
Here at Audrey Press, we love all of the whimsical, wild, unique, and wonderful aspects of Mother Nature. We love things that stretch the imagination of humans of ALL ages while offering up some much-needed WONDER in a sometimes noisy and confusing world. So it makes total sense since we are super-fans of things like dragons as best friends or Willy Wonka activities filled with magic, that we would also adore fairies and fairy lore. If your family thrives on embracing the great outdoors, check out these Whimsical Books and Activities that Encourage Fairy House Building!
Making reading an adventure and not a “task/ chore/requirement” during the summer months is a great way to help increase the desire to read and keep them interested as well. Sit down together and pick out your summer reading or make a family trip to the library. Here are some more tips to get kids jazzed about reading during the non-school months:
1. Skip the List-Make the Shelf:
Make book reading like a seasonal shift in your wardrobe. One of our first family activities, when school gets out, is to make The Summer Shelf. Off come the passing season\’s books and on comes the fun books of summer. Some are old friends and others are new, but The Summer Shelf is a way to herald in the summer reading season.summer reading\2. Leave ‘em Hangin:
You can leave your readers “hanging” and create a desire to come back to the story by pausing your read-aloud just before the end of a chapter. This creates so pretty big anticipation to keep them engaged and wanting more. Amp it up by throw in a little book-jumping adventure to go along with the story as well. While reading Tom Sawyer to my kids I practiced the “leave ‘em hanging” method and threw in spontaneous bouts of whitewashing, cave touring, and river rafting. These activities created great anticipation and had them asking “what’s coming next?”I’ve had very different experiences with all of my children on when exactly to plan our little reading adventures. My eldest daughter and youngest son like to intersperse their reading with related activities, while my second daughter insists that the entire book is read completely before we dive into the pages. By mixing up everyone’s reading and book jumping preferences, will help to keep them clamoring for the next reading session.3. Think Outside the BoxMagazines are a great “portable” reading option for kids and again, are “bite-sized” information to keep them interested and learning. There is so many wonderful and educational kids magazine available these days too. Some of our favorites include:Highlights,
National Geographic kids
Your Big Backyard
Ranger Rick
Stone Soup for young writers and artists
Wilderness kids.

What are your summer reading picks?



A Year in the Secret Garden


As parents, we want/need quality books with extension activities to help our young ones unplug and create memories. Pulling books from shelves, and stories from pages is also an important act that will the habit of being life-long readers. Quality books with companion book extension activities are not only working to create special family time, but it also allows kids to solve the world’s problems without major consequences. A Year in the Secret Garden is just such a book.

This delightful children’s book co-written by Marilyn Scott-Waters and Valarie Budyar and it offers original month-by-month activities that allow readers to delve deeper into the classic children’s tale, The Secret Garden.


Within the 120 pages (with 150 original color illustrations and 48 activities)families will find many activities inspired by The Secret Garden that encourage them to step away from technology and enjoy getting hands and feet into the black earth of a family garden. This book will make a great gift and be the catalyst for many hours of family growth, learning, and FUN!


Grab your copy ASAP and “meet me in the garden!” More details HERE!