
Never Miss a Beat

Helping Small Businesses Survive during COVID19

Beyond the anxieties and health concerns that come with a global pandemic, small businesses (especially those deemed \”non-essential\” ) are taking a huge hit financially and even mentally. Many people have lost their jobs and many small business owners are giving in to the crushing and frustrating limitations and are choosing not to reopen at all.

As a whole, solopreneurs, independent contractors, and small businesses are in a state of distress. But not all is lost. There are ways, even in our quarantined state, we can reach out and help our small businesses weather this storm. Here are some ideas:

Shop Small and think \”Outside the {Big} Box

We have nothing against Big Box stores, but now is the time to \”think small\” and support the mom-n-pop/independent/local companies that support your community. Many Big Box stores have been deemed \”essential\” businesses and allowed to be open whereas twice as many small businesses are not. Whenever possible, support the little guys.

How can this be done? Share your favorite local business\’ updates on YOUR OWN social media:  Social media is like the water cooler or the backyard BBQ of the world. People gather online by the millions looking for connection, comic relief, news, advice, and recommendations. Help your favorite local business capture some of those eyeballs by sharing their updates on your newsfeed. Every time YOU share, its like a vote of confidence or a big high-five for THEM. Keep your local businesses and organizations at the forefront of people’s minds-share like crazy.

Shop your Local Businesses Online

 In the past few months, many small businesses have had to go online. Even if you can’t visit their store physically, you can use their online options to purchase items. Many small businesses have also gotten creative and now offer consistent \”curbside pick up days\” so loyal shoppers can get what they need without having to enter the store.  

Buy a Gift Certificate: Your favorite stores, gathering venues, or restaurants may not be open right now, but that doesn\’t mean you can\’t support them by buying a gift certificate NOW to use LATER. Plus it will give you something to look forward to!


Publishers and Authors are Small Businesses Too:

Small press publishers (like Audrey Press) and \”boutique\” publishers, along with solopreneurs like authors, are also struggling with the impact of the pandemic. But as with supporting offline brick-n-mortar businesses, YOU have the power to help them as well. If your budget allows for physical copies of books, purchase them directly from the publisher, or local bookstore.

If money is tight, but you have a hankering to read, consider downloading their ebooks (yes, Amazon or Kobo may be your only choice) and then be sure to follow through and post a review on Goodreads, social media, etc. Even just one sentence with a star rating will boost that book\’s chances of being seen by other potential buyers and thereby helped its publisher.
Stay safe, healthy, and read on!

What if you could \”live\” inside the pages of the children\’s books your family reads? What if you could enjoy the same adventures as the characters? BookJumping is taking the solitary act of reading a book and transforming it into an event that can be shared with others. It\’s the process of pulling books off shelves and stories off pages. It\’s making kids\’ books come ALIVE by \”jumping\” inside the pages.

The ABC’s of BookJumping: The Best of Jump Into a Book is a concept that lets parents, caregivers, homeschoolers, and educators use the books they have on their shelves to create moments of “learning by doing” and reading all rolled into one!

The ABCs of BookJumping\

This robust literacy-based e-book contains over 150 hand-picked book reviews, unique book-inspired activities and recipes, book pilgrimages, facts about classic book authors that we all know and love, and many, many reasons to spend countless hours “unplugged” and revisiting classic stories.

The ABCs of BookJumping\

Making reading an adventure for kids and not a \”task/ chore/requirement\” is a great way to help them increase the desire to learn and keep them interested as well. Setting aside time as a family and selecting a summer reading list is a great way to not only make the idea of reading more exciting but also to involve kids in voicing their thoughts and options on what it is that they would like to read.

Re-ignite your child\’s love of reading and encourage screen-free family time today.

Get the details here and reserve your copy ASAP. The ABC’s of BookJumping: The Best of Jump Into a Book will be delivered to your eReader May 12, 2020.