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9 “Must Read” Blogging & Social Media Posts for Writers

Welcome Back! We hope you are finding some great info and resources in these blogging and social media posts for writers that we share on this feature. Are there any topics you want to see more of? Google+? Stumblupon? More writing related articles? Let us know in the comment box below. Enjoy.

social media\

1. 8 Keys To Self Publishing Success Today: Joel Friedlander

2. Excellent PicMonkey Edited Image Tutorial: Heather of the EO


3.Facebook for Authors: How Often Should You Post?BookBaby

4. Writing White Papers: How to Capture Readers and Keep Them Engaged: Michael Stelzner

5.Google+ as a Marketing Platform:

6.This is not so much a \”link\” as it is a useful \”Tip\”: How to setup Skype so it automatically starts upon booting and to automatically set as “Away” when there is inactivity. General setting can be found under the \”Tools\”tab, then click \”Options.\”

Check the two boxes in the sample picture and you are good-to-go!

Skype settings\

7. INFOGRAPHIC: The Ultimate Complete Final Social Media Sizing Cheat Sheet: Luna Metrics

8. Book Ideas for Young Writers : Jeff Goins

9. Sacred Silence- Why You and Your Book Require It: Business Building Books

Did you find some good articles and resources this week?