By Valarie Budayr
A few months back, author/guru Joel Friedlander had a wonderfully informative post about comments on blogs called The Secrets of Blogs That Get Tons of Comments. Here\’s an excerpt;
When you’re a new blogger, you dream of the time when readers will visit your blog and leave a comment. Isn’t that true?
You want the sign that someone has noticed, the social engagement, the “social proof” that your blog is worth stopping for.
When I started this blog, the odd days when someone would leave a comment were wonderful, special. Getting that email alert was so exciting, I would drop what I was doing and rush over to see who had left the comment and what they had to say. Somebody cared!
The idea that people really gather and discuss what you’ve written—even start talking among themselves—is intoxicating, like a dream come true for a writer. -Joel Friedlander
Joel gave some great examples of blogs of his own that had a high number of comments as a case-study of sorts. To read the rest of the article, go HERE.
The truth of the matter is that readers do seem to comment less these days. Maybe because they have a bad case of \”so many blogs-so little time\” or maybe content just isn\’t what it used to be. Whatever the case may be, here are some of our tips to encourage commenting on your blog and increasing the chances of reader engagement:
Let Readers Know They are Invited – End your post with the reminder/invite “please leave your thoughts/opinions/experiences in the comment box below.\” Also, keep in mind that new readers that are unfamiliar with blogging don’t always know about comments or how to use them. And when you are unsure, it can be a little intimidating so a little verbal nudge might be just the ticket.
End with a Question– Sometimes a simple question like “and what do YOU think?” or “what types of outdoor activities does your family enjoy?” invites conversation and lets readers know you truly want their opinion and input.
Make it Easy!– I have to say for me personally, I rarely will leave a comment if I am required to sign in to do so. Maybe I am lazy, maybe I am just that pressed for time…but I kinda think other readers feel the same way. Remove any requirements to sign in if possible a and also show the benefit of commenting on your blog by something like commentluv to allow your readers to showcase their posts.
Acknowledge: Respond to your commenters whenever possible so they realize you are listening and value their opinion. You can also use plugins like WP Threaded Comments or Thank Me Later to email replies to your comment responses.
There! Now you are armed with some new knowledge, a possible new plan, and even a few plugins to help amp up your blog commenting endeavors. What tactics for encouraging blog comments have worked for you? Please share your thoughts in the comment area below 🙂