
Never Miss a Beat

Two-Year Waitlist: An Entrepreneurial Guide for Music Teachers

Non-fiction eBook that helps Music Teachers be better Business Owners

National Teacher Appreciation Day, also known as National Teacher Day, is observed on the Tuesday of the first full week in May. This day is part of Teacher Appreciation Week, which is the first full week in May of each year. Veteran piano teacher, Noreen Wenjen, knows that all teachers play a critical role in […]

Non-fiction eBook that helps Music Teachers be better Business Owners Read More »

Music Teachers-The key to success is keeping up with the times

\”Make your marketing count. Think like an entrepreneur!\” Sage advice for any small business or solopreneur. Author, entrepreneur, and veteran piano instruction professional, Noreen Wenjen knows first hand that the key to success is keeping up with the times. After two decades of teaching at two flourishing piano studios and maintaining her own two-year waitlist,

Music Teachers-The key to success is keeping up with the times Read More »

Two-Year Waitlist: An Entrepreneurial Guide for Music Teachers is HERE!

When we hear a mention of the “private piano teacher,” the initial reaction is likely to picture an elderly instructor wearing horn-rim glasses and a disapproving glare. This imagined teacher is also the one who struggles to teach less than willing students and is running their music studio as a side business or hobby.  

Two-Year Waitlist: An Entrepreneurial Guide for Music Teachers is HERE! Read More »