
Never Miss a Beat

book-inspired recipes

Downloadable pirate activities, crafts, patterns, and pirate-y facts

Ahoy matey! It\’s National Talk Like a Pirate Day! And we\’ll let you in on a little secret… …the children\’s book-inspired ebook *The ABCs of Bookjumping* has some SUPER COOL downloadable pirate activities, crafts, patterns, and pirate-y facts that are so darn unique, your little Scalleywag won\’t even realize they are learning history while they

Downloadable pirate activities, crafts, patterns, and pirate-y facts Read More »

Willy Wonka Chocolate River Chocolate-Covered Pretzel Tutorial

I couldn’t have known it would come to all this when we found that note by W.W. inside an old book at the yard sale.   From there, the adventure began, inspired by one of our all-time favorite books, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Since chocolate anything is good for ALL times in life, I

Willy Wonka Chocolate River Chocolate-Covered Pretzel Tutorial Read More »