
Never Miss a Beat

2023 Is Wrapping Up. Are You Where You Want to be?

August is a lovely month. Summer fun is in full swing, parents are prepping their kids for back to school, and its American Artist Month to boot!


It’s also a jarring reminder that the end of the year is looming.


Wait…what?! How did that happen? It was just January yesterday!


Four months from the end of 2023, and I’m sure I’m not the only one wondering if I am missing something in my Master Action List.


That’s the beauty of goals and dreams, though. They can be fluid. Ever-evolving, shifting, and changing.


I am a fan of picking One Word as my guide for the New Year, but I also know that One Word may change as my life ebbs and flows and new opportunities arise.


My One Word this year is Simplify, and it’s still a guiding force for what I hope to achieve.


But that’s not always the case. In 2022, a year that will forever be known as OMG, Will This Ever END?!, I shifted my One Word three times.


My One Word is often my anchor, and man, I felt tangled in the anchor rope a lot. So it seemed fitting that my Word needed to shift and pivot with me.


And that is all perfectly OK.


Maybe you are like me and started the fresh New Year like gangbusters with all sorts of plans, hopes, and dreams. But now, as the end of the 8th month nearing, the vim and vigor you had to set the world on fire in January has gone stale, and you just can’t remember what you wanted to achieve this year.


And why.


This is the time of year when I’m more prone to be distracted by the summer sun and fun. This is perfectly acceptable until (like me) your laser focus turns into “I’ll do it later.”


I try to justify my lack of ambition with things like, “I’m living in the moment for my kids,” “let’s create some memories,” or “I deserve a break.” All are true and an important part of life, but I’ve worked too hard to build up the workload and client base that I have to let it all slip away.


If you feel this slump, I assure you that you are not alone!


So, what’s the solution?

Maybe its time for a Goal Review, Revise, And Even Wipe the Slate Clean.


August is the perfect time to revisit, reevaluate, and re-study my goals and dreams for the year. It’s not too late! Some of us do better under pressure and knowing that 2024 is not far off is enough to light a fire under our hypothetical tails.


Or, maybe its is more empowering for you to revise what you “thought” you needed/wanted to achieve this year. Again, this is totally fine.


If this year has been a firestorm of distractions and unexpected developments, there is no shame in scrapping your Must Do List, breathing, and regrouping. I would rather shift gears and focus on something new than to waste precious time and energy on something that doesn’t make my heart sing anymore.


Believe it or not, I do my best business and personal development planning in the autumn months of the year.


This is also a great practice and habit for showing us what we want to avoid doing. a month ago, I realized that I had developed the unhealthy habit of saying, “Sorry, I don’t do ____ anymore” when it comes to my business.


Yes, it’s an excellent way to exercise healthy boundaries, but it’s also the way to slam the door on potential opportunities that lead you down a path of awesomeness you never would have considered.


Do some pondering on the “nos” and make sure there’s not a “maybe” or a “yes” hidden in there.


Whichever method you choose, I applaud you for being present and aware. Set aside some “ponder time” soon. It will be January 1, 2024, before we know it!