
Never Miss a Beat

Looking on the Bright Side is Hard Sometimes


Keeping a positive outlook can be a struggle during times of uncertainty and understandably so. It’s easy to feel surrounded by doom and gloom when bad news (thanks to the Internet and social media) is coming at us for all sides constantly.


Taking your mental health seriously is important, and mindset seems to be the key. There are two camps out there regarding mindset during challenging times. Some people can focus on the positives, while others seem to be more challenged to keep a productive, positive mentality.


This “new normal” that we’re facing and living come along with all sorts of new ways of existing.


Attitude can be everything when it comes to a healthy mindset. We are asked to change our behavior and how we interact with others differently, more than ever.


We are all still working with a “Pandemic Hangover” that makes us rethink and second-guess everything from salad bars to blowing out birthday candles.


These shifts can feel isolating and heavy at times. But not so heavy that it immobilizes us.


Despite all of the challenges we face, life is beautiful, and every day is a chance to do it all over again. There are so many ways to acknowledge the negative but focus on the positive.


Start by taking the kids and/or the Fur Babies outside for a nature walk to collect leaves or flowers. Have you ever gone out for a walk and noticed your surroundings?


Like, really noticed them?


I think most of us are guilty of saying we are going for a walk to relax, but instead let our minds swirl with To-Dos, worries, and upcoming tasks instead of taking in the beauty around us. Take the time to notice how the wind feels on your skin, how the birds are singing, and even how the clouds in the sky are examples of beauty.



Try it. I promise it will lighten your mood and your heart.


Another way to keep positive is to try and unplug. It’s necessary to take a conscious step back from the tv or computer screen. Try not to let yourself be inundated with negative news 24/7. Remember, there are still good things happening in the world. Maybe search for some funny cat videos to watch, or Facetime with friends and family. Do something to make yourself smile.


Sometimes something as small as what you’re wearing can make all the difference in how you feel. Even if you’re working from home now, getting up and getting dressed as if you were headed to the office, may give that needed mood boost and positive motivation. Achieving a positive outlook can be as simple as daily positive affirmations. Find what works best for you.


Giving yourself a mood makeover is something we can all do to help ourselves stay focused on the positives during this time of uncertainty.


Remember, no one is perfect. So, if you feel yourself starting to slip into negative thinking patterns, try making a conscious effort to rearrange your mindset.



A positive attitude can go a long way!