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To, With and By" Technique for Reading

The \”To, With and By\” Technique for Reading

There are many great tips for teaching your child how to read. One of the most proven methods is the “to, with and by” technique. This method has been shown to be efficient and successful. So what exactly is it?

What It Is The \”To, With and By\” Technique for Reading

This method basically acknowledges that it takes more than just forcing your child to read, to teach them to do so. The \”to, with and by\” technique for reading teaches parents to methodically work through reading time, and encourages active parental participation. First, the parent is encouraged to read a short section from a book or other material to their child twice. The parent then proceeds to read the section with their child and finally has the child read the section alone two times.

To, With and By" Technique for Reading\

Why Teach Reading This Way?

This method of reading encourages children to read well. Instead of tackling an entire book at once, leading to likely discouragement and frustration, they will learn to master a small section. This leads to confidence. It is also worthwhile as it avoids having a child stumble over too many difficult words, which has a harmful effect on their reading and will actually deter them from pursuing it.

Some parents protest that this method is nothing more than memorization. But here\’s the rub–all musicians (like readers) learn by memorizing, memorizing, with a side order of memorizing! Phonic skills are necessary to jump-start the process of learning to read. But reading by using memorized sight words is more efficient.

To, With and By" Technique for Reading\

Specifics on “To”

The portion that involves reading to your child is exactly as it sounds. Sit down with your child in an area that is quiet and conducive to concentrating. Read the passage you are working with twice to your child.

Specifics on “With”

In this period of your reading time, you will move to shared and guided reading twice. Take turns reading with your child. Shared reading involves you holding the book so your child can view it while you read it to them, and stopping to ask questions that will involve your child and encourage their thinking skills. Guided reading is when your child is encouraged to read, and in a way that increases both confidence and skill.

Specifics on “By”

When your child is ready to tackle the passage alone, allow him (or her) to read it to you twice. Give him an encouraging smile, but be cautious not to step in and interrupt. By allowing him this time to read back to you, it builds self-confidence in him and finalizes the learning process.

Extra Tips on Making It Work

There are a few tips to keep in mind as you work through this process with your child. The first is to be patient. It might seem unnecessary to mention, but it is one of the most important things to remember. Do not rush your child. There is nothing more frustrating to a learning child than to have a parent who expects perfection immediately. Learning is a process, sometimes a slow one, and reading is no exception.

Another thing to remember is to make reading a daily habit. Reading daily will bring the necessary repetition that will help your child become a confident and enthusiastic reader. Another important aspect is to include plenty of encouragement when working with your child. A few supportive words will go a long way.

Learning to read is a profitable investment of a child’s time. Teaching your child to read will equip them for a life of gathering knowledge, and joyful learning. The “to, with and by” technique is an effective strategy for teaching your child to read, and will give them a foundation that will last them the rest of their lives.

Read on!

To, With and By" Technique for Reading\