
Never Miss a Beat

Blog Post Ideas for When the Creativity Well Goes Dry

So you’ve discovered the value of blogging to spread your brand, share your expertise and bring new visitors to your site (visitors who could potentially turn into book-buying customers!).

But now that you are in the thick of creating insightful and valuable content for your business blog, you’ve also discovered are times when you “lose the muse.” The ideas that came fast-n-furious during the beginning of your blogging adventure have now dried up. Worse yet, the ideas that do come to mind seem dull and borderline lame. So how can creatives find blogging inspiration when ideas for meaningful content have seemingly “exited stage left?”

Here are some tactics that just might clear away the cobwebs and allow you to find inspiring ideas in easy-to-find places.

Blog Post Ideas

What\’s the World Talking About: Without “going there” and jumping on the bandwagon of some the many controversial and hot buttons topic that seems to have the world’s attention right now, see what else is going on.

Is there a holiday on the horizon? Is there a notable author who is having a birthday? Recently, Laura Ingalls Wilder celebrated her 150th birthday, and the online world was filled with people sharing their memories of how her books influenced them in their growing up years. Is this your story too? Did (for example) LIW influence you and is there a creative and fun way to share that influence with your readership? Sites like The Spruce have listings of observances and interesting historical milestones that could easily inspire a blog post from a with a tie-in to your work.

There are many of those types of milestones happening every day along with relevant topics like kindness, compassion, and empathy. Share your take on these topics and how it relates to your business and life. These types of authentic stories make for the best relationship-building blog posts.

Be Inspired by Others: How can you achieve that? By reading other people’s blog posts of course! Start surfing your favorite sites and see what everyone else in your career path or niche is talking about. What are they sharing? Is there a topic they are sharing that you can relate to as well through personal experience or beliefs? The issue may be similar, but your perspective is unique only to YOU.

Share a Solution: The Internet is also littered with people trying desperately to find a solution to a problem in their life. Maybe there are some workarounds or ninja tricks that you could share that could help other artists do better in their own business. Is there a product that is relevant to your business that you think other creatives (and even customers) might have an interest in? Do you have a product or offering that you know will fill a need for those folks looking for a solution? Sharing the story of your dilemma, and how you found the answer, build trust with readers and keeps them coming back for more.

Blog Post Ideas to Avoid and Things to add to you \”Don’t Do\” List

Get Political: Though easy to do these days, leave your political beliefs and views OFF your business blog. Waving the Democrat or Republican flag on your business’ homepage is often viewed as unprofessional and likely will be off-putting to potential buyers.

Get Wordy: As writers, we love to express ourselves and sometimes we can get a little too repetitive. Keep in mind that today’s readers have very short attention spans since they are typically feeling pressed for time. Blog posts do not have to be a novel; posts under 450 words are more likely to get read to completion. Something else to keep in mind is bloggers only need to create posts around 300 words to be indexed by Google.

One Final Note: At the end of each blog post don’t forget your Call-to-Action. CTAs are the “instructions” they tell readers what they should do next or before clicking the “back” button. CTA’s include things like “Go here to subscribe,” “Visit my Amazon Author Page,” or “View my new book titles here.” These CTA encourage your readers to move around your site and discover more of your awesomeness.

Happy Blogging!

blog post ideas\
Noreen Wenjen\Noreen Wenjen has spent the last two decades of her successful career recognizing the importance of creating a nurturing environment for music students. With two filled-to-capacity piano instruction studios to her credit and a vast knowledge of marketing gleaned from working at two Fortune 500 companies, Wenjen is sharing her proven business tactics with other music teachers who are committed to establishing a successful music studio with longevity.

In her new book, Two-Year Waitlist: An Entrepreneurial Guide for Music Teachers, Wenjen shares her proven\ method of using marketing, technology, and business know-how to grow a two-year wait list for a successful independent music studio. From identifying the value of a music teacher and connecting with students to taxes, fees and running a music school like a business, she shares knowledge and experience to educate other professional music teachers on how they can create an empire that will have students lining up for their expertise.

“Noreen Wenjen has created an invaluable guide for the private piano teacher. Her years of success in this field have enabled her to write a book that is both comprehensive and wise. An absolute must for piano teachers.”
– Dr. Stewart Gordon, Professor of Keyboard Studies at the Thorton School of Music, University of Southern California

Learn more about the book and author HERE.

Connect with Noreen via Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.