
Never Miss a Beat

Tools of The Trade: Skype


Audrey Press is a very cutting edge company in the sense that the creative teams of people who put our multimedia products together all work virtually. We do get together from time to time, but usually in more of a “play” than “work” capacity. To make sure that the creative work flow continues to function, we’ve had to incorporate some nifty online tools to pull it all together. The first tool of the trade we’d love to share with you today is Skype:

Skype\Personally, I think Skype is the coolest thing since sliced bread and I can\’t imagine doing my job as Head Elf at Audrey Press without it. Skype has enabled the Audrey Press team to stay connected, focused , and effective by being able to see, hear, and share information very quickly.

New to Skype? Here\’s the 411 courtesy of a great article from

Global business dealings and more staff telecommuting mean fewer everyone-in-the-conference-room meetings and more Skype gatherings. Jennifer Abernethy, author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Social Media Marketing, offers tips for rocking a virtual meeting:

Set the scene. Whether calling in from your kitchen or a hotel room, be aware of your background view. Remove clutter from the room to look more professional. Make sure you’re well lit with lamps around your computer area. Turn down any sound-making tech devices.

Be camera ready. Instead of looking at the computer monitor, make eye contact with colleagues by looking directly into the camera. Try a few practice runs prior to the meeting, placing the camera slightly above eye level for a more flattering view. Speak in a friendly, conversational tone and lean forward to show engagement—and you’ll make others almost feel you’re right there with them.

To read the rest of this article, go HERE.

The downside to Skype is that it can be a time sucker. Be sure and utilize the red Do Not Disturb option if you need some quiet creative time. I would like to think I could ignore it, but I am a push-over for the \”boink\” noise it makes when I have someone trying to connect with me!


So how can Skype be helpful for writers and authors? A good example would be when Audrey Press CEO Valarie Budayr and Book Designer Roscoe Welply were creating The Ultimate Guide to Charlie and The Chocolate Factory earlier this year. Roscoe and Valarie are an ocean apart (Tennessee and Paris) but still managed to created an amazing product thanks to tools like Skype. If you haven\’t seen Charlie yet, please take a peek HERE. I promise it is unlike anything you have ever seen.

Needless to say, I use Skype every single day to keep lines the communication open between friends, co-workers, and clients. Keep checking back for upcoming Tools of The Trade post, or subscribe to get a reminder in your InBox. Until then, here’s a video I found to show you, in a nutshell, how Skype might help you in your life. Enjoy