The Ascension Trilogy is a coming-of-age young adult Urban Fantasy series that shares the twisted tale of forbidden love, betrayal, and secrecy. The author has created a gripping story of a strong female lead who transforms from teenage misfit to the leader of a secret society of half-human, half-vampire warriors. Steeped in the mystery, intrigue, and rich history of New Orleans, the mysterious and dangerous world of the Deuxsang will keep readers on the edge of their seats from the first sentence, to the last.
Read more about each book in the series: Ascension, Clandestine, and Reclamation before you buy.
Enjoy seamless reading of the Ascension Trilogy by Hannah Rials with 3-Book Bundle Deal. Bundle includes paperback copies of Ascension, Clandestine, and Reclamation. This book bundle will appeal to YA and adult readers alike and shipping within the USA is FREE.
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