
Never Miss a Beat

The Gratitude Book Project: Celebrating Moms and Motherhood

Mother’s Day is a good time to pause and reflect on the person who may have influenced your life in one of the most profound ways, your mother.  Looking back on your childhood, the lessons you learned, and the experiences you were fortunate to have, it’s nice to have a special day to express your gratitude for the woman who made all this possible. That\’s why I was thrilled to be apart of the The Gratitude Book Project: Celebrating Moms and Motherhood

Celebrating Moms and Motherhood\Or maybe you’re a mom yourself and know the true wisdom you’ve gained that came from the mouths of the babes you’ve had yourself. The book The Gratitude Book Project: Celebrating Moms and Motherhood is a perfect way to express the loving feelings we have for our mothers. (Even the ones who drove us a little crazy!)

I am so honored to be a part of this book. I wouldn\’t be here if it weren\’t for the absolute love and support of my mother. Even as I was heading off to music school, mom was saying,\”You should be a publisher. You should be a writer.\” Mom paved my path to make sure all of this would happen.

Celebrating moms and motherhood\

When I was approached by Donna Kozik, the book project founder about writing a story about my mom, I said \”Yes\” immediately.

My entry is about my mother\’s finesse for dressing her children appropriately in all kinds of weather.  \”There is no such thing as bad weather\” she would say,\” only inappropriate clothing\”. I can assure you we were dressed perfectly for any type of weather.

Inspiring stories from the book also include:

A Drop of Love, by Laura Accardo-Williams

Laura expresses her gratitude towards her mother for giving her the capability to love her son so much.  Her mother passed on a “life-long legacy of love” to her which makes her want to honor her mother today, and everyday because of her capacity to love. As a mother, her love has blossomed so much that what she felt as a child, was merely a “drop” of what she feels now.

Happiness is a Choice, by Richard D. Walker

Richard expresses his gratitude for a life lesson his mother taught him at a young age: happiness is a choice.  Being raised by a mother who was forced to provide sufficient income for her three young children, Richard has no regret because his mother taught him that it was his choice to be happy, no matter how little or how much you have.

With so many great stories to share around this special time of year, The Gratitude Book Project: Celebrating Moms and Motherhood will open your \heart with inspiring stories to keep you in the spirit of gratitude for moms and motherhood, not just today, but every day.

Pick up your copy of The Gratitude Book Project: Celebrating Moms and Motherhood HERE.