
Never Miss a Beat

Non-fiction eBook that helps Music Teachers be better Business Owners

National Teacher Appreciation Day, also known as National Teacher Day, is observed on the Tuesday of the first full week in May. This day is part of Teacher Appreciation Week, which is the first full week in May of each year.

Veteran piano teacher, Noreen Wenjen, knows that all teachers play a critical role in educating and shaping our children: the future leaders of our country.  She also knows what it feels like to struggle to grow a music instruction business and create a lasting career that also provides an exceptional experience for both students and parents.

Two-Year Waitlist: An Entrepreneurial Guide for Music Teachers

Two-Year Wait List: An Entrepreneurial Guide for Music Teachers by Noreen Wenjen\
Two-Year Wait List: An Entrepreneurial Guide for Music Teachers by Noreen Wenjen

I’ve met so many experienced music teachers who have struggled financially because they were not able to fill their private studios with enough students or maintain a steady income throughout the year,” Wenjen shared. “I wrote Two-Year Waitlist: An Entrepreneurial Guide for Music Teachers to share my marketing knowledge and experience in filling my piano studios and having a two-year waitlist.  I hope that this book helps private music teachers of all genres and locations to fill their studios and gain the financial stability and success they deserve.\”

In her new book, Two-Year Waitlist: An Entrepreneurial Guide for Music Teachers, Wenjen shares her tried-and-true method of using marketing, technology, and business know-how to grow a two-year waitlist for a successful independent music studio.

Published in early 2019, Two-Year Waitlist: An Entrepreneurial Guide for Music Teachers is now available in ebook format on Amazon.


It’s time to say Thank You to all of the exceptional teachers in your life and Noreen encourages everyone to gift a copy of this very special book (in physical or ebook) form to a music teacher that has made an impact on their life.

As always, all of Audrey Press’ are available in physical book form on their website here.


Two-Year Waitlist by Noreen Wenjen